CNS Business Affiliates - T.R. Marketing

T.R. Marketing is marketing consult, strategy, and account manager in the Crazy N Sane Music Network. T.R. has dropped many promotions for Crazy N Sane Music Network via internet, street team, and creative as aid to flourish the Music That Pays Brand. As a member in the network, services are available to every network member. Use your Credits to pay for your next account management and internet campaign through CNS from T.R Marketing.

- Business Assistant
- Promotion
- Client Relations
- Network and Business Management
- Consulting
- Creative design
- Client concierge
- Internet/Social Media Marketing & Managment

This is to upgrade your business, and even more so to push your membership to the fulllest capability. All businesses, just like T.R., services can be garnered through the network and should be utilized. One giant attribute to be intergrated in the network.

Call for a consult to get info you need or three way. Thanx for the support and lets build The Network and Distribution chain.

T.R. Marketing & Management,

Tips and Tricks to Make Music Pay You - Part 2 - The Basics

All right all right!! We assumed too easy that everyone would jump and realize that when wanting to start their own affiliate business. And even more so with a revolutionary, never before used structured. So we were a little quick on the trigger. So gonna try to keep this blog more updated with user tools to aid with tips to making Music That Pays, Pay You.....Better.

So this post we'll start with the basics. Make sure that your registered! I can't tell you how many times this has been a problem. Why do the most basic essential things so irritating to people. People are so funny when they look at me and say, "I heard that music, wheres my money?" If thats all that was needed, I would start pan handling outside and telling people to pay their power bill through me. Would you? Of course, not. MDI needs a paper trail for verification and correct payout. Its not only to make sure not to get jipped, its to make sure you don't either. Register on the link you were given. It takes 2 seconds. And better yet thats the only way you can get your assigned tools (i.e pre-printed business cards, your own custiomized link, your links to refer albums). Mine is 10048 after I hit the referral link I was given to sign up.

Heres my referral link to register if you haven't already Do this and get the habit of checking and double checking somebody who said they registered. Drill into their heads, even if you get their e-mail, name, age and if possible number/address and input it yourself if need be.

So do that first like we have drilled into you now. This is your brain to be an affilate. The body can't live and earn without the brain. After that go to "Tips & Tricks to Make Music Pay You - Part 1" and read what can be done next.

Till next time, Ron Senior - T.R. Marketing, MDI Business Affiliate

Free network consult, just e-mail me to set up appointment