CNS Business Affiliates - T.R. Marketing

T.R. Marketing is marketing consult, strategy, and account manager in the Crazy N Sane Music Network. T.R. has dropped many promotions for Crazy N Sane Music Network via internet, street team, and creative as aid to flourish the Music That Pays Brand. As a member in the network, services are available to every network member. Use your Credits to pay for your next account management and internet campaign through CNS from T.R Marketing.

- Business Assistant
- Promotion
- Client Relations
- Network and Business Management
- Consulting
- Creative design
- Client concierge
- Internet/Social Media Marketing & Managment

This is to upgrade your business, and even more so to push your membership to the fulllest capability. All businesses, just like T.R., services can be garnered through the network and should be utilized. One giant attribute to be intergrated in the network.

Call for a consult to get info you need or three way. Thanx for the support and lets build The Network and Distribution chain.

T.R. Marketing & Management,

Tips and Tricks to Make Music Pay You - Part 2 - The Basics

All right all right!! We assumed too easy that everyone would jump and realize that when wanting to start their own affiliate business. And even more so with a revolutionary, never before used structured. So we were a little quick on the trigger. So gonna try to keep this blog more updated with user tools to aid with tips to making Music That Pays, Pay You.....Better.

So this post we'll start with the basics. Make sure that your registered! I can't tell you how many times this has been a problem. Why do the most basic essential things so irritating to people. People are so funny when they look at me and say, "I heard that music, wheres my money?" If thats all that was needed, I would start pan handling outside and telling people to pay their power bill through me. Would you? Of course, not. MDI needs a paper trail for verification and correct payout. Its not only to make sure not to get jipped, its to make sure you don't either. Register on the link you were given. It takes 2 seconds. And better yet thats the only way you can get your assigned tools (i.e pre-printed business cards, your own custiomized link, your links to refer albums). Mine is 10048 after I hit the referral link I was given to sign up.

Heres my referral link to register if you haven't already Do this and get the habit of checking and double checking somebody who said they registered. Drill into their heads, even if you get their e-mail, name, age and if possible number/address and input it yourself if need be.

So do that first like we have drilled into you now. This is your brain to be an affilate. The body can't live and earn without the brain. After that go to "Tips & Tricks to Make Music Pay You - Part 1" and read what can be done next.

Till next time, Ron Senior - T.R. Marketing, MDI Business Affiliate

Free network consult, just e-mail me to set up appointment

Tips & Tricks to Make Music Pay You (Part 1)

I love to start something that I hope eveyone will follow. Well I guess I'll start with the basic. For some reason it takes alot for human beings to really become moitvated to do something. Even if you tell them, "You gonna get PAID for what you do for free." Such as listening to music. But make no mistakes their is no such thing as business without making sure your wheels are turning. You have to burn it into the skull so they know. First time I heard of Wal-mart I didn't run to get my groceries. It was all bought Target till I moved to Utah. (and even then Wal-mart is not as big on east coast. WOW shocker)

In the Music That Pays world, you need your people that have signed under you to do some moves. MAKE Sure you are in constant contact with them. E-mail, tex, regular phone, post card, voice delivery, etc. try not to go a whole week without sending them something. Doesn't have to be big or a grand fiescal. Doesn't necessarily have to be something in the world of MTP. You can Send them a funny cartoon or link to something they may like or has their interests. I suggest always something remotely engaged to your relationship you wish to build but not always "business". Its to keep presence in their face. And with that you can offer something to them. A bar-b-que or a drink. Anything to let you know this is what you do, and your not going anywhere. Let me ask you about the corner market around the corner. Do you go everyday because it has great flashing lights, a good smell, and it transforms into a robot? Or do you go because you know it has fresh coffee brewed at 700am sharp everyday like clockwork, fairly good prices for on the go stuff, and the caretaker hooks you up.....And lets not forget you pass it everyday going and coming.

Consistancy, consistancy, consistancy. Don't worry they will follow your lead when they see your in it for the long hall rather than its just a "great opportunity' pitch them.

Feel Free to leave add ons and comments. Below

Still don't know what is this new Revolution of Music That Pays, Then Get all you need to know HEREIf you haven't already, registered for Music That PAYS HERE
Blog -, Ron S. Network Relations

Endorsement....If you like "Hood Type" hip hop I think you will like G2G - Flawless Luxury. It has the hot tracks like "Big Step" and "In My Trunk" Check it out Music Distribution Inc - Get paid to listen to music! (-Click on album to check it out & Get Become a PAID Fan of it

Deer Widows Weekend Oct 15, 16 Night Club 51 - Wendover, NV

Wendover!! Deer Widows Weekend Oct 15 and 16 @ Night Club 51

Lazy Boy and Night Club 51 present Deer Widows Weekend Oct 15 and 16 at Night Club 51! Reserve your VIP party bus tickets here now! We go ALLL night long, this isn’t your Utah Night Club! Party Bus available from SLC to Wendover (3-4 round trips, Last bus back to slc.....4am!!!!)

If you Take the Party Bus.....
- First drink in the door free,
- 10$ cover to party it out with the Deer Widows ALLLLL night long!
- Bottle raffle!
- Live DJ!

**Club doesn't stop til we do! 18 and over club in Lawless Nevada! Plus, its Wendover!! Gamble the night away if you want(21+)***

Featured Artists

******************Representing The Network*****************************************

Born 2 Ball Entertainment Recording Artists Tru Threat & Big Kountry
Tru Threat, Big Kountry
Get PAID from Tru Threat HERE-->Music Distribution Inc - Get paid to listen to music!
Also Gully -->Get the album "Real Rap" HERE --> Music Distribution Inc - Get paid to listen to music! *************************Representing The Network******************************* Lazy Boy & Crystal w/DJ Rock Solid

Ladies Ladies Ladies! NV Doors open at 11pm. We open when everything else is closing down! Bring your friends, your dance shoes, and your all night attitude!! 1910 Plateau Rd West Wendover. Call TR Marketing to Reserve your spot. 801-673-3624
Reserve with Pay Pal Here!

Presents The First Ever "Music Distribution Inc Tour"

Who: Crazy N Sane Music Network Members.... Studio One Productions, Hip Hop Union

Description: First Ever tour from the CNS Network (What is this). The event will feature artists who are respresented by MDI in the sales of their albums. These artists have the acclomade to say that they sell "Music That Pays" (What is this). See their performances at these locations and mingle with them afterwards. The events are in the genres of Hip Hop, Rock, Blue Grass, and More. In addition, we will give away free sponsor items, exclaim the great benefits of buying Music That Pays from now on, and sign autographs on schwag at Pre & Post Events.

Proposed Schedule

1st-4th Atlanta, Georgia

Events= Post BET Hip Hop Post Event - Oct. 3rd film screening at Clark University, (feat. “Follow the Leader” screening)

Post Event - After Party @

8th - 10th Nashville TN

Events = Oct. 9th , Sixth Annual Biscuits and Bluegrass festival

-Additional events have been scheduled around this event

12th - 17th St. Louis MO

Events=Oct.15th Bands of America Championship

-Additional events have been scheduled around this event

18th-22nd Memphis TN

Events=entire time shall be spent on doing promotions on Beale St.

23rd-31st New Orleans LA

Event = Oct.24th House of Blues

- Events shall be focusing around the Voodoo festival happening throughout the course of that week

Event = In addition the Oct 30th - Nov. 7 a proposed 6 city tour happening throughout Montana & Tatou Club in L.A headed by T.R Marketing

ATTENTION: Artists, Interested in accompanying us on this tour give us a call 801-673-3624 ask for Ron. You'll be exposed and more. Call us immediately

Making Money w/ "Music That Pays" - Conferance Calls & Webinars

Yes! Breakin' the ice we finally started our conferance callsand webinars for all artists, businesses, and affiliates. Sorry to our Regular Customers. Your all still PAID Fans of all the albums residuals for life. Customers, come join on the call and when you have full access to make money through Crazy N Sane/MDI, become a full affiliate. We'll be ready for you when that happens. (Register HERE to become Affiliate). Every Tuesday and Thursday (10am, 12pm, 3pm MST) their is a conferance call to exchange ideas to other nerwork members, general sales training on how to move music through Music That Pays, and administering your endeavours that you are ingesting into the network.

The first webinar will be Sept. 14 and will run once a month (Some will be available phone through Phone as well). The Register link will be loaded soon

Music That Pays will be the standard industry soon. There are so many ways to flourish as a Artist, Business, Affiliate Aka PAID Fan!

What you can expect from calls:

- Meeting of the minds with Crazy N Sane Staff.
- Upcoming Plans for events
- Giveaway and Promo ideas

Call number 714-432-0800 when prompted code in 367942#

On the webinars:

- In detail what does Crazy N Sane Music Network have to do with
- Cover all aspects of how to use the network in comparison to the industry
- Using the network to flourish your business endeavours (ex. Tours, Retail Promos, Campaigns, Recording time)

Webinars, can register HERE

"The Commissions' " Tix

One of the sites to receive Concert updates for hip hop group, "The Commission" and buy Tix for a Commission Show! Purchase tix on-line at

Past Shows
- Lewistown, Montana Show time 730p.m. @ Eagles Hall. Pre-Order pick up and Regular Purchase tix can be picked up at A-glow Hair Salon!!

- Great Falls, Montana Show time 830p.m @ 406 Club will be available.

Check out The Commission on

Upcoming Shows
- Salt Lake City, Utah Ludacris show @ Rocky Mountain Raceway August 26 Details to be announced

PR Credits

Can you believe we went a whole month without a post on the Blog Its kind of Insane. June was fairly quiet except for some stuff on the "Independant's Day"/"Models and Musicians" Tour. What else is new though? Besides the bugs, it has been a pleasant trip out to lovely Florida

But to Business. Uphill is what we are going for right now. A uphill climb to reach our goals. Which is to take over the industry.....This post we wanted to touch on using credits. Credits are the lifeblood of Crazy N Sane/MDI. Without it no one gets PAID. Artists, Businesses, or Fans. We can't have the only music that Pays people to listen to it if there is no one being paid. So here is a quick tutorial to use you credits.

When you get to your back office, after you login to, look under "credits" and it should give you a value. Almost everyone has least $100 worth. Go then to the "Place and Order" Link and Buy your albums that you want to get paid for life to listen to. (We strongly, strongly recommend using all your credits and buy $100 worth of albums. So 10!! Remember the more albums you endorse the more royalties goes to you. You are making album royalties off 10 rather than 1 or 2) Take a listen to a couple tracks if you like. We loaded some right there on the artist's sales/preview page. Which ever album you choose, hit the "Order Now" Button:

Side Note: As hopefully just a soon fixed loop hole, you will then be redirected to the category screen. Pick the category of the album you want and then click "Add
to cart" Proceed

You will then be sent to the checkout screen, where you will automatically see the price at $15.00. If you are still opt-in to your Retention pay (Another Strong Recommendation), you will automatically receive your $5.00 discount as soon as you hit "Checkout". That $5.00 has now been uploaded as a CNS Credit and can be used for your future Network purchases (Example: Studio time, UFC T-Shirt, Mass Printing, Microphones).

Now That you have bought your albums, that will pay out royalties off all future sales for the rest of your LIFE, the last thing to do is endorse the album. Clicking back on the Back Office Home Page, Select "Endorse Music Albums". It will show you the albums that you have bought that need to be endorsed. Select the albums, give the reviews of each, and submit. Now sit back relax and wait for your checks. You are now officially a PAID Fan. Congratulations

Next Post.....a little on CNS Credits. This is Revolutionary to the music game and the online purchase game. Just wait and see by Ron Senior

Join our Social Site --> <-- to stayed in tune with your favorite Music That Pays as well as whats going on in our world

Find us on facebook: Crazy N Sane Music and Dist.

Enroll as a Artist in the Crazy N Sane Network and receive many more advantages. Go to Click on the "Artist...." Graphic and insert Ref ID. 10048 for quickest response

Enroll as a business and receive many more advantages. Go to Click on the "Business" Graphic and insert Ref ID. 10048 for quickest response

Preview some Music That Pays





Any of these tracks endorse HERE (*Note: you get PAID residual payout for LIFE if you Purchase these albums. Click The link)

The Search for Models and Musicians

Are you an M&M? If the first thing that popped in your head was that sweet chocolate candy thats now come in so many different sizes and extra fattening flavors, then Probably not? Have you ever thought about becoming a M&M yourself? Ironically, we are not referring to the round and plump chocolate filled sensations. Quite the opposite actually. Crazy N Sane Music Network, the only music company that pushes independent music by paying the fans to listen, and world re-knowned fashion photographer/casting director, Micheal J. Bugatti from Studio 1 Productions, Introduce “The Search for M&M's - Models and Musicians" Tour
Opening on a brand new tour, the two companies combined for the pursuit of a common cause. “It was a partnership that was meant to be made. We have related projects and goals. They are searching for the highest grade independent music to promote and distribute, and I am looking for fresh faces trying to break in the modeling industry to represent to the fashion world” Says Bugatti. Crazy N Sane met Bugatti in Vegas, the first location of their “Independant's Day” Tour, while Bugatti was finishing his last road tour. It only took 2 hours to come up with the idea of "The Search for M&M's". “They live by their name”, Bugatti stated, between chuckles, of Crazy N Sane. “They flashed the idea right then and there to combine. And I loved it. I told them that we are not wasting time, lets go now!”
The details of “The Search for M&M's” Tour combines Crazy N Sane's Independant's Day theme to travel across the nation to recruit independent artists across the U.S. They will provide nationwide distribution, promotion, and consulting for all artists signed. As well as the right guidance and backing to earn a real living off their music. Bugatti's theme is to recruit 12 aspiring models needing representation to cast for big shot clients. (i.e. Calvin Klein, Gap, Guess, Banana Republic, Dulce Gabana,etc) Their first booking will be the first ever 2011 "M&M's Calander" published by Studio 1 Productions distributed nationally. The theme of this calender will insert these chosen models in musical concepts like studios stages and piano. This will be Crazy N Sane's nich on this project, of course
“We both thought of our concepts in the mindset to really help aspiring people to operate in these highly competitive industries." Says Bugatti. "One of the main reasons why most don't make it in these industries is they have no real mentoring or experianced backing to guide them to success. It burns them out to the point they digress to it being a hobby, then a 'side thing', then nothing”, Says Ron Senior, PR and Artist Relations Director for Crazy N Sane. The tour will stop in on several cities starting in Orlando, Miami, Chicago, and L.A. Each recruit, of the models recruitment half of the tour, will do features at Crazy N Sane events and aid in tour campaigns as their audition. Bugatti will garner half of his decision on how each model conducts themselves at each Crazy N Sane event as well as remote locations and test shoots.

Contact & References: Studio 1 Prod. Site –
For Models Send your head shots and/or general info to: Download audition form from and Call Phil 415-320-9649 to set-up interview time. You may submit head shots via e-mail However bring your filled out form to interview.

For Artists and Businesses wanting info on Crazy N Sane Music Network call 801-968-3081 Start your profile to Communicate with the artists that are paying to be fans

Wanna buy some Music That Pays Fans ---> Buy Here

"Independant's Day" Tour 6th Week - "Core DJ Retreat"

We made it to Orlando, FL. Man, what a trip. That will be detailed in another Post. Don't think we could make up the crazy stuff we been through. We are going to call it, fittingly, "Independent's Day Tour; Crazy N Sane Road Life".
But lets talk about now! The "Independent's Day" Tour 6th week. We landed At the "Core Dj's" Retreat friday Morning, and of course, its been Crazy N SAne. We talking 5am with no sleep. We had to be up 4 hours to start our booth. With some affiliate partners in Digiwax and Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes, we kinda took over the "Core Dj's Retreat". We walked in looking for our banners, and they were late to no surprise. But it was not any real way to worry about that because we had to jump on a Distribution panel right away. Ron and Jineea arrived out of nowhere to get on the Panel. We saw met our competitors like MDI Distribution. MDI Distribution, one of the most known music industry distributers in the world, accompanied us on the panel. It was really informative on all angles to see who was who and how the conventional means on distribution is handled.
Next, Crazy N Sane Music ran our booth at "The Core DJ's Retreat" Sponsor Room. We gave out free gifts and referral cards explaining how we work to each and every artist, dj, model, and promoter that passed by. It was kind of a untapped success because we were so new. Music That Pays was definately in the building. The artist feedback and interest was almost overwhelming. To show thanx, In our next post we are actually going to review all the mixtapes we received at the "Core DJ Retreat" and give our rank for the top 5.
Our next day was a little bit of the same but switched up at night to add the party element after work. During the day the booth was definately jumpin again with one of our artists we represent hitting the stage. Face from Dream 2 Ent, performed his new hit single "Bottles In THe Air". He had the stage jumpin then came over for a mingle session. This day we also saw some stars in Choppa from "Makin the Da Band" 2. Even heard Mystical was in the building. The "Core Retreat" had a couple after parties that jumped off. From what we heard The "Young Money" party was where everybody was at. We didn't show up because we were having problems with the bus. Geesh, Life on the road really puts a damper on your social life. We heard it was raw as hell. We showed up at the club to represent Crazy N Sane and the luv was definately there. Steel City from Pittsburg came through. Milwaukee was deep in the building with about half the artists that came out being there. Chi' was live. Florida was doing it big, ATL, NO, NY, South Carolina, Demetrius from Kentucky was kicking it. It was so much love, you might as well call it the Crazy N Sane Retreat.
Sunday was Crazy because we set up the bus cross the street from the "The Core DJ Retreat". They hated us by then to be honest. They wouldn't let us pull the bus right up to the convention hall. By this time the convention atmosphere was too all over the place, we needed a better area to bring our new faithful. So we did what we did best. Make it happen our way. We parked the bus, Crazy N Sane and swooped everybody up, rode them to the bus, and fed them some wine and cheese. Crazy N Sane Music, Baby. Had EVERYBODY at the "The Core DJ Retreat" loving Crazy N Sane Music Network and how we make it happen. "The Squad" was in the building with R.Brown, R.Senior, and J.Butler leading the way. We packed the bus up for almost 4 hours with potential artist and promoters ready to ingest in the Crazy N Sane Music Network.
"The Core Retreat" ended up with a last mingle session for all the remaining people. We were already on our contacts and calling them up for follow up meetings. Signed a few and set up shop at the park. The impression we made is going to be a lasting one in the industry. Our next mission is to tackle Orlando, Fl the local City and find some good partners to make distribution points. Crazy N Sane Music has got to be everywhere, all our members know who we are and what we do now. We can't stop till me make it to the top. We'll see you in Miami

Become a free member at and start becoming a paid fan. Also find us on facebook under Crazy N Sane Music and Dist and

"Independant's Day" Tour First Month (Las Vegas)

So what happened? What can we possibly say about the first 5 weeks of the tour? What is so Crazy N Sane about Music anyway? After all, we are just canvasing the great city of Las Vegas making good affiliations. is going to be a great contact for our artists. One of the leading Internet radio stations in the company. One of the only ones that has fully engaged our partnership and had us on the Red Carpet with the likes of Ray J, Mimms, Spliff Star, and the Tribe.
We accumalated a couple contacts with some great event coordinators in the industry that are now pushing Crazy N Sane Music. World renown photographer Micheal Giovanii is Doing a co-tour with us. We will be introducing "Models In the Network" here in a couple months as a add to his "Calender Search" Calender. This is a calender he has created by sweeping across the nation taking photos of aspiring models. Then he is putting a calender out after the reality show drops.
So nothing Crazy N Sane,Right? How little we are lead to believe when we practice to deceive. The "Independant's Day" Tour has had its share of Chaos. Matter of fact thats what half of the tour has been. How about a shouting match from Rob and Jineea on the second day we landed. A all out shouting match about NOTHING! After Youngin' was picked up, two days later he had a knife in his hand to stab Robert. Ryan got in trouble because he failed his breat-a-lizer test which is a direct violation of his parole. Automatic 6 months in jail. Kelly's son got deathly sick and Ron assulted Robert. Man, oh man. The only unfortunate thing is every last moment was not All caught on tape. Jeesh, this is only the first month and the first location. And the tour looks like its been extended the full 6 months. We got one Crazy N Sane Ride coming to us. Cause if its not, don't know what is. Orlando and Miami is next. Cause we are Crazy N Sane Music. The "Independants Day" Tour Continues. Can't wait to see whats next?

Somethings on the board are a performance from Hip Hop Mega star, T-Payne. A stop in with Jesse Jackson. Thinking about a run in to Iowa and maybe a stop in to the Brooklyn Music fest. "Independants's Day" tour is on the move and we have a goal to meet!

Come Explore Music That Pays Right Here

First Days of the Independant's day Tour

Hello from Las Vegas our first location in The "Independant's Day" Promo Tour. The tour was launched to scan the U.S. for more artists looking for the distribution they deserve. 5000 we look to sign by the end of this year. We are hittting the streets, in the clubs, talking to their connections, and having some great events.
Crazy N Sane Music Network has partnered with the Social Services of Hip Hop/Hip Hop Union and Komrad Presents on this mission. As usual, it was balls first for everybody and we walked around like chickens with our heads cut off the first day. We bring this up because in congruence with the tour we are also doing a reality show following our process to reach this goal. We started to tape the reality show, with a little worry at first. But when we touched down there was no disappointment. It has been such a giant jump of plot verses craze. Its only been the First 8 days of the tour and we are already at each others throats, we've had a couple close run in with fights, freestyle battles, "The Law" came and saw us, and we seen some cars getting run over. ONLY THE FIRST EIGHT DAYS!!

IF we don't do it Crazy and Insane, what would they think of us?

Lets introduce you to the "Independant's Day" Staff/Cast:

Robert Pouncy (KoMrad Presents)
Isaiah (The Boys Life Who We Saved)
Jenia (The HIp Hop Union)
Ron Senior (Crazy N Sane)
Ryan Brown (Crazy N Sane)

Alot of ways to find us

THANK YOU for INTEGRATING IN THE PHENOMENON THAT IS MUSIC THAT PAYS!! We Have alot of representation of Crazy N Sane Music/Music Distribution Inc. So much we can't even remember. Thought it would be smart just to throw a quick post to display all foundations of Crazy N Sane Music Network. Its Music That Pays you should pay close attention. Subscribe to one or all of our Social Network outlets and get up to the minute updates of Music That Pays movements.

- Social site: -
This is actually our own social site. Its one of the best ways we came up with to keep in regular interaction with the artists. Start your own profile, give regular feedback of upcoming music, follow whos going on tour, converse with the artists, etc.

This is the failsafe to Purchase all music that is Pushed by Crazy N Sane Music. May not always be in the stores or may not always be at the shows, but will always be right here at along with merchandise, schwag, and strong recommendations to have Music That Pays pay you!

The Crazy N Sane Music Blog published by T.R. Marketing, our marketing strategy affiliate. This is a great subscription to have to keep in touch with fun facts, great write ups of upcoming and past events, and at-the-moment fun activities that we just had write about


Facebook: Crazy N Sane Music and Dist. ( Direct Link - )
Our most Lucrative subscription yet. This is a Regular Posts for us. We update this at least 4 days week with quick posts of what we are up to at that very moment. To stay in regular contact with Crazy N Sane, Subscribe to our Facebook page.

- Sample Tracks/Free Downloads -
We don't mess with too much radio and iTunes/Amazon are competitors so this is the main place to find New singles with the ability to download

Fun You Tube Channel:
This is our "Entertainment" Sector. Music Videos, taped live performances, interviews, commentary, and other specials.

Much Luv from, Dem Crazy N Sane Boys

Crazy N Sane at Sundance 2010 Festival

Sundance Film Fesitval 2010 of course was Crazy....And.....Come on don't say it....sorry...Insane! G2G invited us along to do some promo for them as well do some handling. It started off real hectic of course as all "celebrity" status do, but it was a really good luck for the whole group.
After G2G
had a very "eventful" Sundance 2010 film Festival opening night, we bust on the scene friday with the tour bus. There we rode through Main Street in order to get everybody a glimpse at what Crazy N Sane does. The bus then dropped off the whole crew and we stopped into Downstairs Night Club in Park City owned by "Hyde" from "That 70's Show (Think His name is Daniel Matheson). After a very crowded spot there we headed over to Ground zero of 2010 Sundance Film Festival. The World Famous Harrios and partied the rest of the night. Glad we had a DD in the Tour Bus Driver.
Saturday was another Crazy Insane Day and definately the most fullest. From when we woke up we went into some of the Sundance Film Festival 2010 Gift Lounges. Not much to report other than the commercial generosity downlow companies like Badcock Clothing, Gem Jewlers, and even the un-announced pop of the Lambourgini Apparrel that is mysteriously starting work into urban culture. However the one that stole the show, at least to us, was the Poke guys. This is a new social media medium that is for people that like to meet other people one on one. You actually have a device around your neck that can actually press against other people and you are now friends. No more friend request to people you will never talk to again. But not the extravant of uncomfortable small talk. Perfect Innovative as heck to the social media platform. So innovative that its unfortunate microsoft will have one just like it soon. Darn you microsoft!
The following day was probably the most beneficial for all at the Sundance 2010 Film Festival. G2G was invited to play in the celebrity poker tournament broadcasted by ESPN. sponsored them. Fred Mo was the clear cut winner, but in a last play of celeb generosity, gave all his chips up to one of the ladies that were there. More namely Tracee Ellis Ross, Star of the Hit BET show "Girlfriends" and also Daughter of Singer legend Diana Ross. Fred Mo nicknamed in the Tournament, The Bully, Dropped all his chips to her and one other Celebrity then walked out the tourney. G2G on ESPN, Man now it has to be said. Crazy and Insane. invited G2G to participate again the second day of Tourney the next day with the same results. G2G the Gamblers? At the Sundance Film Festival? Confusing, ain't it?
One of the biggest highlights for G2G and Crazy N Sane at the Sundance 2010 Festival was definately a the performance from G2G

at the Crown Lounge. A sponsored event by Crown Royal. G2G played a short set with a band playing the instrumentals that ripped the stage up. They made the 'Club Jump'. Yeah Shameless plug there but whatever.
Sundance 2010 Festival wrapped up with a performance at The world Famous Harrios by G2G the day before closing ceremonies. It was good day for us too because that was the day we signed Ex-No limit recording artist Mr. Serv-On. Mr. Serv-On now being represented by Crazy N Sane is the ultimately the perfect end to a debut at Sundance. Sundance Film Festival 2010 was the first and lets hope many more to come.

Check out Got 2 Get It @ or check out the New Album "Flawless Luxury" at